Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Tuesday 10...On Thursday

This has been a crazy, busy week since we are heading into our busy season at work (ice cream, not taxes) so forgive me,  I didn't get a top 10 posted on Tuesday.

Better late than never, right?

This week's Tuesday 10:

10 Things That Exist Now That Didn't When I Was a Kid

10.  Cell Phones
9.  Ipods
8.  DVD Players
7.  DVD Players IN THE CAR (man, those 8 hour rides to Missouri would have better with these)
6.  HDTV
5.  Global Warming (well, maybe, but no one talked about it)
4.  Satellite radio (LOVE me some XM Radio on long trips)
3.  CDs (now they are going out of style - we had cassette tapes!)
2.  Digital Cameras
1.  the Internet

I only wonder what Allie's list would look like if she writes one when she's 30...

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Fine Alabama (or Auburn) Education

This past week the girls were out of school on Winter Break, so we made our usual school-is-out trek to my parents' house.  My parents live in Alabama and I just LOVE it when I can point out something that shows Georgians are smarter (hehe...).

I often see signs and such that proudly show off the fine education people in Alabama receive.  For instance, there's a sign at a tobacco shop outside of the town my parents live in.  They spell tobacco, tabacco.

So now I formally present two fine examples of an Alabama (or Auburn) education:

Exhibit A --------->

We now spell "pioneers" "pioneenrs".
(Picture taken over Thanksgiving at Noccalula Falls in Gadsen, Alabama)

Exhibit B --------->

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a new spelling for the word "poison".
(Picture taken this past weekend at the Birmingham Zoo in Birmingham, Alabama)

Let's throw in a bonus.  This is not a misspelling, but an actual donut shop (I find the name of it hilarious).

OMG!  Donuts!
(Picture taken this past weekend in downtown Anniston, Alabama)

I hope everyone that reads this knows I am only teasing Alabama and Auburn fans.  We Georgia fans and alumni take our fair share from other schools.  I wouldn't dish it unless I could take it.  GO DAWGS!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Tuesday 10 - Husband Edition

Wow - I haven't blogged in 2 weeks!  Time just gets away from you.  In honor of my husband Ben's birthday tomorrow, my Tuesday 10 is about him :)

My Top 10 Things I Love About My Husband...

(of course, in no particular order)

10.  The way he is with our girls - watching a daddy and his daughters would melt anyone's heart
9.  The way he can look at me and tell something's wrong even when I try to pretend it's all okay
8.  The fact he's a big sports nut - our most fun times have been at Georgia football games
7.  His red hair
6.  He works hard to provide for us
5.  He's my best friend who I can tell anything to
4.  He keeps me grounded
3.  His intelligence (sometimes he's too smart for his own good ;)
2.  His smile when we walks through the door after work
1.  He picked me :)

Happy (Early) Birthday Sweetie!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Facebook Can Be EVIL

I am a Facebook addict.  I admit it.  I currently have over 700 Facebook friends and actively manage 3 Facebook Business Pages.  Facebook (from here on known as FB) can be great - it reconnects you with friends, keeps you in touch with your out-of-town family and can keep you in touch with your friends and plan stuff.  For business, it's great - free advertising!

On the flip side, it can be bad for you.

I think FB is an enabler.  We get to see into our other friends' lives - what they are doing, where they are going, what they have recently gotten.  We can get green with envy or we can portray ourselves as doing better than we are to present a good face.  Other times, I think people post things to throw it in other people's faces.

FB is rampant with cliques (yes, grown women do have cliques...even in their 30's and 40's) posting on each other's walls about what is going down that night for "Girl's Night" or just one or two friends posting about "had a blast this morning!"  or "can't wait to do it again!".  If you happen to be that one friend that was not included, this can quite frankly piss you off.

I will admit I do get jealous when I see that friends of mine have gotten together without me.  Sometimes I would have been able to go, sometimes not, but we all just want to be included.

Then there are times FB can make you feel like a third (or fourth or fifth) wheel.  Friends will comment on stuff you were at or involved in to each other and it would be like you were not even there.  I could go on forever about me and A lately feeling like third wheels, but that's another post for another day.

I've seen this happen to people I know and it's happened to me.  For all the glory FB gets, there's this downside that no one talks about.  It can make a person feel horrible.  Guilty.  Depressed.  Left out.  I do my best not to let the little things get to me, but as a human woman (hormones and all) it does get to you no matter how you try not to let it. And yes, I was inspired to write this post after seeing something posted on FB.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Tuesday 10

I love to eat.  I go to Weight Watchers because I love to eat.

I present My Tuesday 10...

10 Favorite Restaurants (in no particular order)

1.  Cheddar's (Pooler or Macon, GA)
2.  Spanky's (Savannah/Brunswick/Tybee Island, GA)
3.  Ruth Chris Steakhouse (Savannah/Atlanta, GA)
4.  Barberito's (Statesboro mainly)
5.  Mellow Mushroom (Statesboro or Athens, GA)
6.  Rafferty's (Athens, GA)
7.  Hickory Log (Dexter, MO)
8.  Lambert's Cafe (Sikeston, MO)
9.  Truett's (Atlanta, GA)
10.  Happy Joe's (Muscatine or Iowa City, IA - haven't been there in years, but was my favorite as a child).