Monday, April 18, 2011

Best Friends Forever

While I was at my mom's house over Spring Break a few weeks ago, I came across a movie I've been wanting to see, but hadn't - Sex and the City 2.  While watching it, I got to thinking about the relationships I have with my friends.

I love watching Sex and the City (SATC).  I've now seen both movies and every episode even though I tended to skip over Samantha's same-gendered relationship phase.  Charlotte was always and will always be my favorite character on the show.  Miranda was too whiny and Carrie, well, she eventually married Big, right?

Watching the dynamics of those 4 always left me envious.  Not of their single, carefree ways in New York City (even though it was fun to watch) but of their friendship.  They were always there for each other, through marriages, divorce, babies, Big leaving Carrie at the altar, whatever was going on at that time.

I've never had a super-tight group of friends like that.  Yes, I have my close friends, but not a cohesive group like that.  I tend to have a large group of friends but few I could call my BFF.

There was my elementary school BFF, J.S.
Then my high school BFF, A.L. in MO and M.F. in GA
And my college BFF, L.P.

Some of my current close friends have a group like that.  One I can think of in particular has 3 other girls she's been friends with for over 10 years and even though we're good friends, she'll always have that super-tight group.  The irony is that no matter how bad I want to have a set of friends like that, I won't.  It's just not in me.  I work better with a few super-close friends and a large group of other friends.  My friends and I run in the same circles, have kids the same age, but I can't ever see myself as part of a SATC-type group.  I love to have lots of friends and few close ones.  Right now I have my husband, sister and 2 others I consider to be super-close friends.  Sure, I'll could call some of them my "BFF" but do they think of me the same?  Who knows?

I watch my oldest daughter, A.  I get furious when I see some of her friends go off and do things without her, but then, it doesn't bother her one bit.  A hardly notices.  She has a few close friends and is, in general, friends with everyone.  Sound familiar?

1 comment:

  1. I like reading your comments. I too always had groups of friends ,but, not like the group on SATC. Maybe, it is because we are independent and do not need that emotional crutch from being a part of a "group".
