Monday, February 21, 2011

A Fine Alabama (or Auburn) Education

This past week the girls were out of school on Winter Break, so we made our usual school-is-out trek to my parents' house.  My parents live in Alabama and I just LOVE it when I can point out something that shows Georgians are smarter (hehe...).

I often see signs and such that proudly show off the fine education people in Alabama receive.  For instance, there's a sign at a tobacco shop outside of the town my parents live in.  They spell tobacco, tabacco.

So now I formally present two fine examples of an Alabama (or Auburn) education:

Exhibit A --------->

We now spell "pioneers" "pioneenrs".
(Picture taken over Thanksgiving at Noccalula Falls in Gadsen, Alabama)

Exhibit B --------->

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a new spelling for the word "poison".
(Picture taken this past weekend at the Birmingham Zoo in Birmingham, Alabama)

Let's throw in a bonus.  This is not a misspelling, but an actual donut shop (I find the name of it hilarious).

OMG!  Donuts!
(Picture taken this past weekend in downtown Anniston, Alabama)

I hope everyone that reads this knows I am only teasing Alabama and Auburn fans.  We Georgia fans and alumni take our fair share from other schools.  I wouldn't dish it unless I could take it.  GO DAWGS!

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